期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:Air pollution is one of the environmental issues thathave been often discussed. The fast-growing population andurbanization result in the population concentrated in certainareas. Heavy transportation may lead to poor air quality andinhaling pollutants for a long time also causes damages inhuman health. A traditional air quality monitoring method isto build air quality monitoring stations, but this method isexpensive and provides low resolution sensing data. In thispaper an industry based quality air monitoring system basedon the wireless sensor network technology and integrated withthe ZigBee wireless technology is being implemented. Thesystem consists of a sensor node and a back-end platformcontrolled by the embedded data acquisition system throughwhich sensing data can be displayed. The data can be storedinside a computer based application and could be accessible tothose people having the application. This system can also bedeployed to the main roads and automobiles to monitorvarious gases causing pollution. The experimental resultsshow that the proposed system can provide quality of airmonitoring in real-time through the WSN technology.