期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:The traffic congestion has been increasing inurban areas due to this studying alternative measure ofmobility management, and one of these measures iscarpooling. In theory, these systems could lead to a reductionin the use of private vehicles to achieve success there arelimitations because of two reasons the psychological barriersassociated with riding with strangers and the flexibility of poorscheduling. The limitation of traditional scheme has beenovercome by studying a model of carpooling with this modelnew feature is introduced Establishing a base trust level forCarpoolers to find suitable matches for traditional group andat the same time allowing to search for a ride with the otheralternatives group when numbers of pool has scheduled tripdifferent from usual one. People are migrating from one placeto another but due to insufficient public transport facilitiespeople preferred to own vehicles. This lead to problem likenumber of vehicles traffic, fuel consumption, air pollution,parking problem and increase in overall expenses by usingunique vehicles per user. To overcome this hurdle real timecarpooling can be used. Concept of car polling is to share samevehicles by the passenger travelling in the same route insteadof travelling by personal vehicles. This help us to resolve theproblem of traffic jam fuel consumption and also controllingair pollution result in green environment. The androidapplication will successful overcome the problem as androidmobiles are easily accessible, available and user friendly toeveryone