摘要:Past research has shown numerous adverse effects of parentalimprisonment on children. In the United States, studies havefound that paternal imprisonment is associated with children’spoor school performance; behavioral and mental healthproblems; crime, delinquency, and criminal justice contact;and worse health, including higher rates of obesity for girls andgreater infant mortality, than children without an incarceratedparent.1 One possible consequence that has received relativelylittle research attention to date is how parental incarcerationaffects children’s risks of foster care placement. Foster careis an important experience, for children because it is a formof instability, and for society because of the costs associatedwith administering out-of-home care. Prior research on therelationship between parental incarceration and foster care hasfocused solely on maternal incarceration, and has generallynot considered whether parental incarceration is a causalfactor in foster care placement.