期刊名称:International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
摘要:Grain stored in granary is easily spoiled due to accumulated hear or humidity if not monitored and maintained properly. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system is commonly used in granary to provide real-time storage information. Major functionalities in the granary SCADA system is usually provided by an acquisition and control system based on single chip computer installed inside or near the granary. Based on theoretical and commissioning data, the design of the acquisition and control system was introduced in this paper. The acquisition and control system is able to acquire real- time data of temperature, humidity and concentration of CO 2 inside the granary. It also provides the functionalities of open/shut the granary windows, as well as turning on/off the high-power roller shutter doors and blowers. Users are able to obtain real-time monitored data and control the system accordingly.
关键词:Temperature and humidity acquisition; Automatic control of ventilation; ; Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA); Granary