摘要:The aim of this study was to investigate how two different problem solving instructions affect theviews of pre-service elementary mathematics teachers on problem solving process. With this aim, one group ofpre-service teachers received strategy-based problem solving instruction and other group received problem solvinginstruction which is not strategy-based. 51 pre-service elementary mathematics teachers participated, of which 30were in the first group and 21 in the other group. Interviews were done both before and after the instructions withstructured interview protocol. The data were analyzed through descriptive analyses within qualitative researchdesign. The findings of the study were presented under four themes which were what the important thing is duringproblem solving process, the first ideas of pre-service teachers after reading the problem, definition of problemand definition of problem solving strategy. It is seen that, because of the instruction type the views about the firsttwo themes were different but the others were similar.
关键词:problem solving instruction; problem solving strategies; pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’;views