摘要:Between the Levant and the Indian sub-continent only a few Acheulean sites have been documented, hamperingmodels of hominin dispersals. Here we describe the first Acheulean sites to be discovered in the Nefud Desert ofnorthern Arabia. The four sites occur in a variety of settings including adjacent to an alluvial fan drainage system,at a knappable stone source, and on the margins of endorheic basins. We discuss the implications of the sites forhominin landscape use, in particular the preferential transport and curation of bifaces to fresh water sources. Thebifaces correspond to the Large Flake middle Acheulean in the Levantine sequence. The sites occupy a gap in thedistribution of the Acheulean across the Saharo-Arabian arid belt, and as such have implications for dispersalroutes between Africa and Asia.