标题:Performance Evaluation of Two Stroke Spark Ignition Engine with Catalytic Coated Cylinder Head with Alcohol Blended Gasoline over Conventional Gasoline Engine
期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of two stroke single cylinder, spark ignition(SI) engine, with methanol blended gasoline (80% gasoline, 20% methanol, by volume) having copper coated engine[CCE, copper-(thickness, 300 μ) copper being coated on the inner surface of the cylinder head] and compared withconventional SI engine (CE) with pure gasoline operation. Performance parameters (brake thermal efficiency, brakespecific energy consumption, exhaust gas temperature and volumetric efficiency) were determined with different valuesof brake mean effective pressure of the engine. Copper coated engine (CCE) with methanol blended gasolineconsiderably improved the performance in comparison with CE with pure gasoline operation. CCE with methanolblended gasoline increased the brake thermal efficiency, decreased the brake specific energy consumption, decreasedthe exhaust gas temperature and increased the volumetric efficiency.
关键词:CE; CCE; Inner surface of cylinder head; Methanol blend; brake thermal efficiency; brake specific;energy consumption; Exhaust gas temperature; Volumetric efficiency