期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Aggregate is most widely used in reinforced concrete construction. In this project, artificial fla ashaggregates were used in concrete and its effect on strength of concrete was studied. The fly ash was collected from thethermal plant. Then the cement fly ash proportions of 25:75, 27.5:72.5, 30:70, 32.5:67.5, 35:65, 37.5:62.5 wereadopted to artificial fly ash aggregates. The particle size distribution, specific gravity, bulk density and impact test onaggregate were conducted. M20 grade of concrete was considered. The conventional and artificial fly ash aggregatesconcrete cubes and beam specimens were cast. All the specimens were cured in curing tank. The normal and fly ashaggregate concrete cube specimens were tested for 1,3,7,14,28 days. The beam specimens were tested for 7 and 28days. Compressive and flexural strength tests were conducted on these normal and artificial fly ash aggregates concretespecimens. The results were tabulated. Based on the results obtained, conclusions and suggestions were made.
关键词:Artificial fly ash aggregates; Compressive strength and flexural strength.