期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Concrete is the basic engineering material used in most of the civil engineering structures. Its popularityas basic building material in construction is because of, its economy, good durability and ease with which it can bemanufactured at site. The ability to mould it into any shape and size, because of its plasticity in green stage and itssubsequent hardening to achieve strength, is particularly useful. Concrete like other engineering materials needs to bedesigned for properties like strength, durability, workability and cohesion. Concrete mix design is the science ofdeciding relative proportions of ingredients of concrete, to achieve the desired properties in the most economical way.Design of concrete Mix design requires complete knowledge of the various properties of these constituents’ materials,the implications in case of these conditions at the site, the impact of the properties of plastic concrete on the hardenedconcrete and the complicated inter-relationship between the variables. Even then the proportions of the materials of theconcrete found at the laboratory require modification and readjustments to suit the field calculation. In this designproject we have designed M60 grade concrete using Design mix of American Concrete Institute method, and also foundout compressive strength for design mix method. Based on the test result we achieved our target mean strength bydesign mix method.
关键词:High strength concrete; silica fume; super plasticizer; admixtures.