期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Experimental study was conducted to know the behavior of long columns under axial load made out ofNSC (Normal strength concrete) and SCC (Self compacting concrete). Main objective of this study was to compare thebehavior of NSC long columns and SCC long columns for various percentage of steel. A total of six long columns withsame cross sectional area of 125mm X 125mm were cast and tested. Axial load ratio, stiffness ratio were the mainparameters which increased as the axial load increased. However in this study, special attention was given on stiffnessdegradation, energy absorption, ultimate load carrying capacity, shortening index of each long column. The resultsshowed that shortening index, axial load ratio, stiffness ratio and stiffness degradation increased with increase in axialload. On the other hand as the percentage of steel increased the ultimate load carrying capacity increased whileshortening index and stiffness degradation decreased. SCC had ultimate load carrying capacity and ultimatedeformation more than NSC for same percentage of steel