期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:R/C cooling towers are used for many kinds of industrial and power plants. These are huge structuresand also show thin shell structures. The natural draft or hyperbolic cooling tower makes use of the difference intemperature between the ambient air and the hotter air inside the tower. As hot air moves upwards through the tower(because hot air rises), fresh cool air is driven into the tower through an air inlet provided at the bottom. The presentpaper deals with study of thermal analysis on cooling towers. As a case study cooling towers from Bellary ThermalPower Station (BTPS) are selected. These cooling towers are analysed using software Staad. ProV8i by assuming topend free and fixity at base. The material properties of cooling towers are young’s modulus 2.1Mpa, Poisson Ratio 0.15and Density of RCC 25kN/m3. The results of the analysis include displacement in X, Y, Z directions and MaximumPrincipal Stress is obtained. The variation in Displacement v/s thickness, max principal stress v/s thickness is plottedgraphically.
关键词:Cooling tower; Displacement; Maximum Principal Stress; Thermal Load