期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:A growing concern regarding identity theft, national security, and on-line terrorism. Biometrics is seenby many researchers as a solution to a lot of user identification and security problems now days. Biometricidentification is any automatically measurable, robust and distinctive physical characteristic or personal trait that can beused to identify an individual or verify the claimed identify of an individual. Biometric science utilizes themeasurements of a person’s behavioral characteristics (keyboard strokes, mouse movement) or biologicalcharacteristics (fingerprint, iris, nose, eyes, jaw, voice pattern, etc). Modern biometric systems still face muchreliability and efficiency related issues such as reference database search speed, errors while recognizing of biometricinformation or automating biometric feature extraction. In this paper fusion of fingerprint, iris and face traits are used atsecurity purpose in order to improve the accuracy of the system, and then these securities are fused using Fuzzy andweighted logic, that weighted fuzzy logic gives excellent accuracy equal to 99.99 %. The SDS algorithm will generatethe random shares of biometric images with a minimal computation without using any keys for crypto system. It willproduce the original minutes to compare the biometric images in database and user biometrics.
关键词:Fingerprint; Iris; Face traits; Biometric; SDS algorithm; Fuzzy logic; Accuracy