期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:In the manufacturing sector, producing smooth surface finish plays an important role. To fulfill thissmooth finish, surface grinding process is mostly used in which the parameters to be considered are surface quality andmetal removal rate. Several factors which include depth of cut, wheel grade, wheel speed, material properties and tablespeed affects the machining process economics. This paper mainly focuses on developing the empirical models usingresponse surface methodology for surface roughness and metal removal rate by considering control factors as wheelspeed, table speed and depth of cut. The main objective of using Response surface methodology (RSM) on surfacegrinding operation of EN8 steel is to find optimum machining parameters which leads to minimize surface roughnessand maximum metal removal rate. For metal removal rates (MRR) and Surface roughness, second order mathematicalmodels were developed based on experimental results and the models are validated with F-test. Analysis of variance(ANNOVA) method was used to find the adequacy of the models based on their output responses. This paper makes anattempt in optimizing cutting parameters with the help of RSM using multi objective characteristics for the models.