期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The popularity among social network helps to share their views on anything by rating, generating blogsand analysis of user behavior (review). The new type of recommendation system in movie will provide best opportunityfor users to solve cold start problems. This system is based on probabilistic matrix factorization. Four major factors areused for construction of this system datasets, prediction of rating, cosine similarity and NB tree. Moreover the ratingsare made by experts which will be determined by number of accurate rating that they are made on movies. The accurateresults are classifying by using cosine similarity; this system combines both user interest and social circle. Cosinesimilarity is mainly used to judge the similarity measure between the two users; interest is compared with high rate ofaccuracy this helps to find the interest of user more accurately. The NB tree is used to generate the user link formation.The user curiosity was classified into various level of ranges based on the rating of movie given by review experts.Experimental results show the proposed approach outperforms the existing Recommendation System approaches
关键词:Recommendation System; Matrix Factorization; Movie Rating; Cosine Similarity; NB Tree; Prediction;of Rating.