期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Earthquake produces large strain energy which travels as seismic waves in all directions through the Earth's layers, reflecting and refracting at each interface. Shear waves produced by the seismic activity makes the structure to shak e upside down and in lateral direction, which results in causing damage or even collapse to the existing structure. Damage to the structure can be reduced by making the superstructure to bend with the shaking of the foundation. Fluid Viscous Dampers (FVD) in high-rise residential and commercial b uilding prevents the superstructure damage to maximum extent. FVD can be placed either diagonally or in a cross bracings in the frames to absorb the seismic energy and dissipate it as heat. FVD prevents the movement of the shear waves travelling upwards into the structure and reduces the inertia forces. Inertia force makes building to collapse within few minutes. By using Fluid Viscous Damping devices structural damage can be avoided. An inno vative and practical technique for the seismic rehabilitation of beam-column joints using fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) is presented. The procedure is to upgrade the shear capacity of the joint and thus allow the ductile ftexural hinge to form in the beam. With Stronger column and weaker beam concept making column beam links more stronger with stainless steel or fibre reinforced plastic prevents the failure in column-beam joints. Reinforcing with FRP or stainless steel in column -beam joints helps the structure to bend without producing damages at the joints. By pre-tensioning and post- tensioning techniques, it is possible to produce the structural members with lesser dimension. Using light weight construction materials produced by pre-stressing techniques, the total weight of the structure can be reduced. Constructing shear walls in the so me of the bays of the existing frames with reinforced concrete after earthquake improves the seismic performance of the structure