期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:In this paper, we propose Shortest Best Path Tree-Based Decentralization Mechanism (SBPTDM) whichreduces the bandwidth consumption by utilizing partial paths. Energy consumption, Reliability, Security, Computationcost are some of the constraints in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) where Security and Privacy are the majorconstraints. To enhance Security in WSN, a mechanism called Steiner Tree Based Decentralization Mechanism(STDM) is available in which using Minimum tree structure can significantly reduce the number of nodes in datatransmission. Other demerits in this method are the difficulty to retain the properties. Such as degree and anglecondition, a local Steiner point insertion or deletion which may have global effects, requiring the relocation of severalother Steiner points, bandwidth consumption of the partial paths is very high. so, we propose STDM in order to provideSecurity in data transmission with minimum number of nodes along with a new algorithm called Shortest Best PathTree-Based Decentralization Mechanism(SBPTDM) which reduces the bandwidth consumption through utilizingpartial paths already recognized for receiver nodes. SBPTDM algorithm is a dispersed algorithm with cost in the sameorder as the sum of the shortest path tree (SPT) and Greedy algorithm.
关键词:Wireless Sensor Networks; Steiner Tree-based Decentralization Mechanism (STDM); Shortest Best;Path Tree based Decentralization Mechanism (SBPTDM); AODV (Adhoc on Demand Vector) protocol; bandwidth;consumption.