期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Nowadays, Biometrics identification is a widespread method used for authentication. It is a technologywhich provides convenient and reliable results after verification of an individual. It uses various image processingtechniques and extracts features for verification of an individual with the data stored in database. The purposed systemuses Palm Biometrics because it contains enough information as compared to other biometric technologies. The goal ofPalm biometric system is to provide security by verifying whether the traits stored in database matches with thequestioned image or not. In this paper various innovative steps are covered like introduction related to biometrics isgiven, palm geometry is described, methodology is diagrammatically explained i.e. the way work has been done,different features are considered here i.e. Edges and Corners of palm. Parameters like miss classification rate,Confusion Matrix and Time parameter which includes CPU Time, Minimum Elapsed Time and Time for FeatureExtraction have also been calculated here. In this work, we gathered database of 100 persons varying from age 18 to 50years and Circular Gabor Filter has been used for Image processing. The experimental results demonstrated that theproposed palm recognition system achieves a recognition accuracy of 98.42% with False Rejection Rate(FRR)=0.78%and False Acceptance Rate (FAR)=0.82%.