期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:We explore the continuous user verification for the secure internet services using biometrics in the session management. We have used the no vel biometric modality named "Facial Recognition" for continuous user authentication. Given a camera pointing towards the user, we develop real-time facial recognition algorithm (CMM-Correlation Matrix memories) to automatically extract facial recognition as frames patterns using FPS (frames per second) concept. Unlike the typical continuous biometrics such as keystroke dynamics (KD), Facial recog nition provides reliable authentication with a short delay, while avoiding explicit key-logging. For one second 30 frames of user face reaction will be captured and a unique descriptor is extracted based on the shape and position of face, as w ell as their temporal dynamics in the photo frame sequence. We implement the continuous authentication in online banking for secure services.
关键词:Continuous authentication; user authentication; bio metrics; CMM-Correlation Matrix Memories; FPS- ; Frames Per Second