期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Cloud co mputing is a new computing paradigm that atracted many computer users, busines, and government agencies. Cloud co mputing brought a lot of advantages especialy in ubiquitous services where everybody can aces computer services through internet. With cloud co mputing, there is no ned of physical hardware or servers that wil suport the company's computer system, internet services and networks. One of the core services provided by cloud computing is data storage. In the past decades, data storage has ben recognized as one o f the main concerns of informati on technology. The benefits of network-based aplications have led to the transiton from server-atached storage to distributed storage. Based on the fact that data security is the foundation o f information security, a great quantiy of eforts has ben made in the area of distributed storage security. In this paper, the authors tried to study the threats and atacks that posibly launch in cloud computing data storage and proposed a security mechanism.