期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The paper proposes to implement the biometric security system based on combination of iris and palmprint with Steganographic technique for authentication purpose. Here the data hiding approach involves to concealsecret personal informatics within their biometric for still enhance the privacy protection. A Biometric system isessentially a pattern recognition system that makes use of biometric traits to recognize individuals. The most uniquephenotypic feature visible in a person's face is the detailed texture of each eye's iris. Palm is the inner surface of a handbetween the wrist and the fingers. Palm print is referred to principal lines, wrinkles and ridges on the palm. This systemproposes a multi-resolution approach based on Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) for texture analysis of iris andWeber’s local descriptors based texture analysis of palm print will be proposed here. Weber local descriptor is used torepresents the changes of illumination in an image and it determines the features such as differential excitation andgradient orientation. The development of this approach is motivated by the observation that dominant frequencies ofiris texture are located in the low and middle frequency channels. The hand palm print image is aligned and croppedaccording to the key points. The palm print image is enhanced and resized. The features of palm print and iris are fusedthen compared with database image feature vectors and its recognized using Euclidean or Hamming distance. If thismodule is completed successfully then person information which contains person authentication number with fourdigits key will be matched with extracted data from already hidden image for second level security. Crime which ishappening in ATM became a serious issue that affects not only customers but also bank operators. The main solution tothis problem is Multimodal biometrics. Finally the multimodal system along with Steganographic approach shows thebetter performance accuracy for this automatic identification and authentication in ATM system.