期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Organic Farming is becoming important, largely through the efforts of small groups of farmers. Ithas come out of the exploitative agriculture that has been followed by in all these years, resulting into damagingimpacts on environment, human and animal health, and soil and water resources. Modern organic farming wasstarted by Sir Albert Howard in England in the 1930s, emphasizing the use of compost instead of chemicalfertilizers (Oelhaf, 1978). In 1924, Rudolf Steiner’s concept of a healthy agriculture took into account not only croprotations, sound stocking rates, and organic manuring, but also cosmic factors, namely the influence of the moonand planets. Biodynamic is an innovative & activated organic farming system that has significant role to play in theareas of sustainable agriculture with emphasis on ecological conservation and renewable resources. The activationis three dimensional. First are essential elements or minerals, followed by soil microbes and energized by cosmicforces that enliven the mother earth, makes nutrients available and adds to the vigor, flavor and health. Cosmicforces are trapped by the customized planting and gardening calendar. Observations led to believe that there was arelationship between the position of the moon relative to the sun (synodic rhythm), planting dates, and crop growth(Spiess, 1990). Biodynamic and organic farming are similar in that both are ecologically oriented and do not usechemical fertilizers and pesticides.