期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This computational work aims at analyzing the flow behavior through a linear cascade of compressorblades with the help of Computational Fluid Dynamics using the FLUENT software. An attempt has been made tostudy the boundary layer behavior on the blades at various flow incidence angles and Reynolds numbers, based on flowinlet velocity and blade chord. A Computational Fluid Dynamics based computational model is created with thereference to an experimental work already carried out. This study will bring out the methodology for solving theproblem using Computational Fluid Dynamics tools. Particularly, the capability of turbulence model to predict laminar,turbulent and transition in the boundary layer flows has been made. The geometric modeling and meshing of the flowdomain has been carried out using the software’s CATIA and GAMBIT respectively.Development of boundary layer,point of flow separation, flow reattachment and pressure coefficient over the blade surfaces have been found andcompared with the experimental results.
关键词:Pressure coefficient; velocity effect over the blade