摘要:The issue of advertising translation inevitablyraises that of international marketing.One of the preliminary assumptionsunderlying product internationalizationseems to be the widespread beliefin significant similarities between peoplefrom different world regions and cultures,which has led to a fairly high degreeof standardization in many product features.This is the case of many cosmeticproducts, sold worldwide with identicaladvertising strategies. Despite divergentapproaches to international campaignsadopted by different cultures/countries,international advertising often involvestranslation. Whether translation includespictorial or textual elements, or both, italso seems to depend on cultural issues.In Portugal, international campaigns ofcosmetic products seldom involve profoundincursions into the advertisementlayout. Except for the copy text, there areseveral elements that remain unscathedin Portuguese adverts: overall structure,pictures and names. The present paperwill address these issues, trying to infersome of the implications that this translationaloption might bring to cosmetic advertising.
关键词:Translation; international advertising; names; cosmetics