出版社:Výzkumný Ústav Lesního Hospodárství a Myslivosti
其他摘要:An extensive research of distribution of phytophthora disease of alders (primarily caused by Phytophthora alni) was carried out in more than 800 forest plantations in the Czech Republic in 2013. The disease was identified in more than 50% of forest alder plantations, the average damage of alder stands was about 10%. The impact of the disease was more prominent in lower altitudes, in stands with excess of water and with presence of wider watercourses. The relation between the presence of the disease and the age of alder stands was not identified. It should be stated that the pathogen spreads primarily by natural way via watercourses in the area, similarly as in the case of riparian alder stands. The spread of the pathogen with infected alder saplings is still probably limited. However, increase of its importance should be awaited in near future.