摘要:Summary This paper presents information on diet and distribution of larval snailfishes from the genus Liparis on the Canadian Beaufort Sea Shelf. In this study, 153 larval snailfishes of three species, Liparis fabricii , L. gibbus and L. tunicatus , were collected during 4 summer cruises (2003–2005, 2007). The majority of the larvae were either in flexion or post-flexion stage, and some were in pre-flexion stage. Liparis larvae appeared to be generalists in terms of diet and fed on a wide range of planktonic organisms. Pre-flexion larvae fed on small copepods (mainly adult stages of Triconia borealis ). As larvae grew their diet shifted towards larger copepods (copepodids III/IV of Calanus hyperboreus , copepodids II–IV of Calanus glacialis and females of Metridia longa ) and amphipods ( Themisto libellula ). Remarkably, larvaceans Oikopleura spp. and pelagic snails Limacina helicina made up a substantial part of the larval diet. This paper contributes to the knowledge on arctic larval fishes and to the ongoing efforts regarding Canadian Beaufort Sea ecosystem modeling.
关键词:Beaufort Sea; Fish larvae; Liparis; Snailfish; Diet