摘要:About 202 specimens of snipefishes (Macroramphosus spp.) from Great Meteor Seamount (GMR, subtropical NE Atlantic, 30°N, 28.5°W) were analysed with respect to diet composition and morphology. Fifty specimens belonged to the deep-bodied benthos-feeding type (b-type) whose diet consisted of foraminifers, pteropods, decapods and polychaetes, whereas the slender planktivorous individuals (p-type, n=140) mainly fed on ostracods, copepods, pteropods and foraminifers. Twelve specimens showed no specialisation with respect to feeding (p/b-type). Both feeding types can be significantly distinguished from each other by means of bi- and multivariate morphological analysis considering the variables body depth, length of second dorsal spine, diameter of orbit and standard length. We discuss the hypothesis that M. gracilis represents a transient juvenile stage of M. scolopax. Since our specimens of the M. gracilis type were larger than specimens of the M. scolopax-type, such an ontogenetic shift is unlikely to occur. Our results support the hypothesis of Clarke for Australian snipefishes that for Macroramphosus spp. locally two distinct sympatric species must be anticipated, corresponding to M. scolopax and M. gracilis and the b- and p-types, respectively.
关键词:Macroramphosus;Great Meteor Seamount;Habitat partitioning;Sympatric species