期刊名称:ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
卷号:XXXVIII - 4/W15
出版社:Copernicus Publications
摘要:The current cadastral system in the province of Quebec is a graphical one in the sense that it presents the limits and the officialmeasures of the property on a 2D digital map. To be able to represent superimposed properties like condominium, the Quebeccadastre uses “le cadastre vertical” that is a polygon with a number that refers to an external complementary plan (PC). This planshows vertical profile of the properties and a detail draw of each floor (private and common parts). A single PC-number could referto hundreds of lots and plans depending on the geometric complexity of the building. The understanding of the spatial arrangementof all superimposed properties contained in the PC file is a tricky mental exercise. To help users of the cadastre vertical, a semiautomaticprocedure is proposed that enables the construction of a volumetric representation from the PC image file. In this specificconstraint situation, the various data processing steps are described starting with the vectorization (from image to vectors), the 3Dmodeling (the construction of the volumetric representation) and finally the data exchange. The ins and outs of every dataprocessing, the time and efforts required to achieve each step are discussed, and we conclude with remarks made by the end-usersabout potential usages of such cadastral volumetric representation.
关键词:3D cadastre application; data modeling; data integration