摘要:The present article examines the changes that affect stressed vowels in the
nativization of loanwords into Standard German, e.g. laxing of vowels like [i] to [i] in
Ffijrma (< Italian Ffijrma). An Optimality-Theoretic treatment (Prince &
Smolensky 1993) of the loanword data is proposed in which the nativization
process is accounted for by ranking two MARKEDNESS constraints ahead of two
FAITH constraints. A significant finding is that these four constraints äs well äs
the ranking MARKEDNESS :» FAITH are independently required for the nätive
lexicon of German. Thus, we conclude that our treatment is inherently superior
to any rule-based analysis because a rule-based treatment would be foreed to
posit specific rules to account for the loanword data which have no independent