期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
出版社:Seventh Sense Research Group
摘要:watermarking implant information into a digital signal like audio, Picture, or video. Reversible Picture watermarking can bring back the original picture without any distortion after the hidden data is extracted. In this paper, we present a novel reversible watermarking scheme using an interpolation procedure, which can embed a large amount of covert data into Pictures with imperceptible modification. Different from previous watermarking schemes, we utilize the interpolationerror, the difference between interpolation value and corresponding pixel value, to embed bit “1” or “0” by expanding it additively or leaving it unchanged. Due to the slight modification of pixels, high Picture quality is preserved. Experimental results also demonstrate that the proposed scheme can provide greater payload capacity and higher Picture fidelity compared with other stateoftheart schemes.
关键词:Additive interpolation-errorexpansion; data hiding; inter-polation-error; reversible watermarking.