期刊名称:Carptahian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering
出版社:UT Press Publishing House, Technical University of ClujNapoca, Romania
摘要:Weather forecasting needs a lot of computing power. It is generally accomplished by using supercomputers which are expensive to rent and to maintain. In addition, weather services also have to maintain radars, balloons and pay for worldwide weather data measured by stations and satellites. Weather forecasting computations usually consist of solving differential equations based on the measured parameters. To do that, the computer uses the data of close and distant neighbor points. Accordingly, if small-sized weather stations, which are capable of making measurements, calculations and communication, are connected through the Internet, then they can be used to run weather forecasting calculations like a supercomputer does. It doesn’t need any central server to achieve this, because this network operates as a distributed system. We chose Microchip’s PIC18 microcontroller (μC) platform in the implementation of the hardware, and the embedded software uses the TCP/IP Stack v5.41 provided by Microchip.