期刊名称:Index of Texas Archaeology: Open Access Gray Literature from the Lone Star State
出版社:Stephen F. Austin State University
摘要:Excavations at site 41 BX 1, located behind the Olmos Dam in San Antonio, Texas, were funded by the San Antonio River Authority. The excavations resulted in the documentation of a Late Archaic cemetery and Early to Late Transitional Archaic occupations. Thirteen human burials, accompanied by a variety of grave offerings, including deer antlers and marine shell ornaments, were radiocarbon dated 1680 B.C. (maximum date) to A.D. 260 (minimum date). In addition, two distinct occupational areas, horizontally separated from the cemetery, were investigated. In conjunction with the excavations, final resource management negotiations resulted in mitigation measures of avoidance and protection for the remaining portions of the site.