期刊名称:Index of Texas Archaeology: Open Access Gray Literature from the Lone Star State
出版社:Stephen F. Austin State University
摘要:In October 1980, archaeologists from the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio, under contract to Fisher, Harden and Fisher, Inc., completed an archaeological survey of a proposed locality for solution uranium mining wells in southeastern Webb County, Texas. This survey produced evidence of Middle Archaic to Late Archaic prehistoric sites in the area. Twelve archaeological sites were documented. Five of these sites, located in the proposed mining area, were totally collected and mapped. The other seven sites outside of the proposed mining area were mapped and only those sites with cultural/historical significance were collected. No further work is necessary to protect those sites in the area of the proposed uranium mining.
关键词:CAR; The Santonio Project; Southeastern Webb County; Texas; Archaeology