期刊名称:Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Exacte si Economice
出版社:Moldova State University
摘要:Vorbind despre Soft Power, este necesar. interpretarea acesteia. Ideea de existen.. a SP apar.ine americanului J.Nye. SP este o for.. nem.surabil.. Lipsa SP .i prezen.a SP .n Partea de Apus a Germaniei au contribuit la pr.bu.irea .zidului" de separare a popula. iei. SP a sfidat FD, a eliminat-o pe aceasta .i a contribuit la unificarea Germaniei. J.Nye a definit SP dup. cum urmeaz.: este posibilitatea de a face, de a contribui la desf..urarea unor procese economice, sociale, care f.r. prezen. a SP nu s-ar fi produs
其他摘要:When speaking of Soft Power, it is required to interpret the notion. The idea of the existence of SP belongs to American J.Nye. SP is an unquantifiable forces. Absence of SP and presence of SP in the west of Germany contributed to the fall of the "wall" separating the population. SP defied BF, removed it, and contributed to the unification of Germany. J.Nye provided a definition: SP is the ability to do, to contribute to the course of economic, social processes, which, without the presence of SP, would not occur
关键词:Soft Power; For.. Dur.; inova.ie; extindere a rela. iilor; afaceri economice; .tiin.. economic.; rela. ii ; economice; economie; politici economice; factori economici; sanc.iuni economice