期刊名称:Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Exacte si Economice
出版社:Moldova State University
摘要:Actuala criz. economic. a adus, pentru .ntreaga lume, mari dezavantaje, dar, totodat., .i un mare avantaj. Orice dezastru las. urme adanci, dar, .n acela.i timp, ne determin. s. cre.tem propriul nivel de con.tiin... Ne for.eaz. s. ne .ntoarcem c.tre trecut .i s. ne analiz.m propriile gre.eli. Aproape c. am uitat c. .n via.., .n societate .i .n economie totul este ciclic. Am f.cut false acte de caritate teoretizand modul .n care .i putem ajuta pe cei s.raci s. tr.iasc. mai bine. .ns., cu cat actuala criz. ..i demonstreaz. invincibilitatea, cu atat realiz.m cat de s.raci devenim cu to.ii .i cat de s.raci vor fi urma.ii no.tri.
其他摘要:The current economic crisis has brought, for the whole world, huge disadvantages. But it has also brought a great advantage. Any disaster leaves deep wounds but, at the same time, raise us to a higher level of consciousness. It leads us to turn back and look for mistakes we made. W e completely forgot that everything is cyclical in life, society and economy. We made false charity acts theorizing how we help the poor to live better. But, with how this crisis demonstrates its invincibility, the more we realize how poor we all become, and how poor will be the children of our children