摘要:Uno de los yacimientos prehistóricos más importantes documentados en la Sierra de Jaizkibel es J3. Situado a tan solo 200 m de la costa, eneste abrigo se han excavado diferentes niveles arqueológicos datados a comienzos del Holoceno (Mesolítico). En los niveles B, C, D y F se documentaronenormes acumulaciones de conchas, lo que hace que el yacimiento sea considerado como un “conchero” estratificado. Calculamos que,en el sondeo realizado (ca. 1,5 m2), el número de restos podría alcanzar el medio millón. En este artículo presentamos los primeros datos sobre laexplotación de recursos marinos procedentes de J3. Se ha estudiado una muestra del yacimiento. En los cuatro niveles la composición arqueofaunísticaes similar. Los restos más abundantes son las conchas de gasterópodos (casi exclusivamente lapas, Phorcus lineatus). También hay evidenciasde crustáceos (placas de percebes y de balanos), de equinodermos (erizos) y de peces (espáridos). La presencia de estos restos arqueofaunísticosen J3 indica que los grupos humanos marisqueaban diferentes animales marinos en la zona intermareal cercana al yacimiento
其他摘要:The site of J3 (Hondarribia, Guipuzkoa) is located in Sierra de Jaizkibel (Basque Country, Spain), only 200m from the shore. In this rockshelter,several archaeological levels dated in the early Holocene (Mesolithic) have been excavated. In Levels B, C, D and F, huge accumulationsof archaeozoological remains were found, mainly the shells of marine molluscs, which means that the deposit is regarded as a “stratifiedshell-midden”, one of the few examples known in Cantabrian Spain dated in this period. It is estimated that in the trial excavation carried out(ca. 1.5m2), the number of remains could reach half a million.This paper presents the first data about the use of marine resources at J3, based on a comprehensive study of the remains in a sample takenfrom the deposit (from a sector 33 x 33 cm in size). The number of remains of molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms and fish amounts to 45,200.The archaeo-faunal composition is similar in the four levels. The most abundant remains are gastropod shells, which represent >95% of theremains in the four levels. Limpets make up nearly 95% of the molluscs in each level, with P. vulgata, P. depressa, and to a lesser extent, P.ulyssiponensis. The remaining percentage consists of Phorcus lineatus, while other gastropods (Stramonita haemastoma, Gilbbula sp., etc.)are extremely scarce.The remains of other marine animals have been recovered: plates of the goose barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes (only in Levels B, C and D),and balanomorphs (Chthamalus stellatus, Chthamalus montagui and Perforatus perforatus perforatus), spines and carapace fragments of thepurple sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, and fish bones (Sparidae).Studies based on the epifauna and taphonomic analyses indicate that the limpets, top shells, barnacles and fish were gathered and caughtas food on the shore near the rock-shelter, in the upper, middle and lower inter-tidal zone. The low tide zone may also have been visited. Continuityis seen in the exploitation of the marine environment throughout the sequence, in both Mesolithic and post-Mesolithic levels. These levels areinterpreted as middens, where food waste was deposited. However, the remains of a buried human individual were documented in Level D.The biometric study of the most abundant remains of molluscs and crustaceans (limpet shells and barnacle plates) does not reveal any evidencesupporting the over-exploitation of the marine resources.The use of advanced methodology, both in the excavation process at J3 and in the processing and study of the remains in the laboratory (basedmainly in the taxonomical identification, quantification, taphonomic alterations and biometry), means that J3 is a benchmark site for understandingthe role marine resources played in the diet of early Holocene human groups, not only in northern Spain but also in south-west Europe
关键词:Explotación de recursos marinos; Prehistoria; Holoceno; Mesolítico; País Vasco
其他关键词:Exploitation of marine resources; Prehistory; Holocene; Mesolithic; Basque Country