摘要:Se presenta el estudio de conjunto de las representaciones paleolíticas de zoomorfos con la cabeza vuelta hacia atrás. Su análisis detalladopermite enunciar algunas hipótesis de carácter tecnológico (orientación), cronológico y contextual (asociación temática), al tiempo que nosacerca a su significación. Las grafías zoomorfas retrospicientes forman un pequeño grupo característico dentro del repertorio gráfico del arte paleolítico,tratándose de un motivo gráfico que además de reflejar actitudes animales reales debió convertirse, muy posiblemente, en un elementoclave de trasmisión gráfica, debido a su amplia dispersión geográfica
其他摘要:This paper provides a study of zoomorphic graphics with head turned back in the Palaeolithic art. The analysis of these figures allows a seriesof observations about their technology (orientation), chronology and contextual elements (thematic partnerships), while it approaches us their meaning.The zoomorphic figures with head turned back takes part of a small special group within the graphic repertoire of Palaeolithic art. It’s a graphicmotif that reflects true attitudes of the animals as well as they might have been a key element in the graphic transmission because of its largegeographic dispersion.In European Palaeolithic art, a small number of zoomorphic representations were represented with their head turned backwards. These zoomorphs(bison licking their back, red deer hinds with ears pricked up, caprids giving birth and defecating) have attracted the attention of researchersas they appear to be faithful reflections of certain animal behaviour, at the same time as they form a graphic model with a wide geographicaldistribution. However, this group of figures has never been studied as a whole, enabling an examination of this way of representing zoomorphs inits thematic, technical and technological aspects. This paper studies 55 “backward-looking” graphic units from portable and parietal ensemblesattributed to the European Upper Palaeolithic. It covers their zoomorphic identification, the type of surface they are depicted on, the technique usedand their chronological and geographical distribution. The results highlight the relative spatial diffusion of these motifs during the pre-Magdalenianperiod, when they are predominantly parietal horse and cervid representations, and the concentration of backward-looking depictions inCantabrian Spain and the French Pyrenees during the middle Magdalenian technocomplex, the period to which nearly half the known examplesare attributed.Secondly, a new explanation is proposed for the production of some backward-looking representations whose head is depicted over theirbody. It has traditionally been accepted that this position was a consequence of the lack of space available to the artist. However, in some casesof enough space, the animals’ heads were deliberately depicted inside the silhouette of the body, perhaps with the intention of expressing the headturned inwardly (with its head inside the outline of the body) or outwardly (with its head depicted above the line of its back).A detailed analysis of the essential characteristics of these representations determines a series of aspects they possess in common and whichgive them the status of a “thematic group”. It equally suggests some hypotheses regarding their technological (orientation), chronological and contextual(thematic associations) character which provide insights into their significance. They do not only express movement and traits of animalethology, but also form a kind of complex graphic model that is repeatedly imitated.
关键词:Arte mueble; arte parietal; Paleolítico superior; bestiario; animación
其他关键词:Portable art; Rock Art; Upper Palaeolithic; bestiary; animation