期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
期号:Special 3
摘要:Petri Net (PN) is effective graphical, mathematical, simulation, and control tool for Discrete Event Systems (DES). But, with the growth in the complexity of modern industrial, and communication systems, PN found themselves inadequate to address the problems of uncertainty, and imprecision in data. This gave rise to amalgamation of Fuzzy logic with Petri nets and a new tool emerged with the name of Fuzzy Petri Nets (FPN). Although there had been a lot of research done on FPN and a number of their applications have been anticipated, but Petri nets and Fuzzy Petri nets as modeling formalis m are not adaptable accordi ng to the changes of the arc weight. Weights are the parameters that represent the new incoming data of the system modeled by a (Fuzzy) Petri net. The weight changes meet the system changes in a variety of application domains (e.g. Intelligent E - learning, Computer Numerical Control, Weather Forecasting, and Expert systems). In this paper, introduce a new class of Fuzzy Petri nets that takes into account the weight changes of the arc in the Fuzzy reasoning process. This class gives the formal description of the model, an algorithm for learning the weights without the need to transfer into a neural network, an algorithm for the fuzzy reasoning
关键词:knowledge representation;knowledge reasoning;Petri nets; learning and fuzzy reasoningalgorithm