期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
摘要:The aim of the study is to introduce the establishmentof a public web based soil information and classification system andto describe its current status. The classification is based on the WRB(World Reference Base for Soil Resources), the correlation systemof the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS). Users withvarious authorizations are able to gain access to the web-basedportal and system providing them different kinds of activities. Thevisual representation of soil data is geovisualized with the help ofKML (Keyhole Markup Language) files by WMS (Web MapService) for every user. The algorithm of the WRB classification hasbeen coded and implemented into the system according to thefollowing groups: Cryosol, Solonetz, Vertisol, and Solonchak
关键词:WRB; kml; soil classification; open-access; soil;parameters; information system