期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
期号:Special 2
摘要:Design And Analysis Of Three Party Protocol toRetrieve Private Data By Using Vertical Partitioned Data is forPrivacy- Privacy-preserving data publishing addresses the problemof disclosing sensitive data when mining for useful information.Among the existing privacy models, e-differential privacy providesone of the strongest privacy guarantees. In this article,address theproblem of private data publishing, where different attributes forthe same set of individuals are held by two parties. Inparticular,present an algorithm for differentially private datarelease for vertically partitioned data between two parties in thesemihonest adversary model. To achieve this, first present a twopartyprotocol for the exponential mechanism. This protocol can beused as a subprotocol by any other algorithm that requires theexponential mechanism in a distributed setting. Furthermore, wepropose a three-party algorithm that releases differentially privatedata in a secure way according to the definition of secure multipartycomputation. Experimental results on real-life data suggest that theproposed algorithm can effectively preserve information for a datamining task.of this approach is given in standard model. Public-keypatient-controlled encryption structure yet to be known
关键词:Differential privacy; secure data integration;classification analysis