期刊名称:Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal
出版社:University of Ljubljana
摘要:In this paper, we examine the attitudes towards gender roles among highereducation students in a borderland Central-Eastern European region. Weused the database of ‘The Impact of Tertiary Education on Regional Development’project (N=602, 2010). We intend to determine what kind ofattitudes towards gender roles the students identify themselves with, whataffects these attitudes (gender, faculty type, social background of students,locality type, religiosity), and finally what kind of educational policy implicationscould be relevant concerning our findings. We have used clusteranalysis and a logistic regression model, and formulated several hypothesesthat were controlled by these methods. Our results show that thereare a large number of students who belong to the more traditional attitudecluster in this region, but women more frequently identify themselveswith modern gender roles than men do. The faculty-type effect has onlybeen partly detected. We have found that with ‘male-dominated’ majors,both women and men identify themselves with more traditional attitudesand that with ‘female-dominated’ majors all students have more modernattitudes. The effect of social background is contradictory. Those whoseparents had larger numbers of books had increased modern attitudes, butthe factor ‘regular financial problems in the family’ also increased it. Ournext result is that students who live in villages are not more traditionalthan others, because they live in cities during their studies. Our final resultis that churchly religious students think more traditionally regardinggender roles than others do, but those who are religious in their own waydo not.
关键词:gender role attitudes; higher education students; quantitative;regional research