期刊名称:Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal
出版社:University of Ljubljana
摘要:The focus of this issue of CEPSj is mainly devoted to the PROFILES(Professional Reflection-Oriented Focus on Inquiry-based Learning and Educationthrough Science) project. The PROFILES project is a four-year FrameworkProgram 7 (FP7) project funded by the European Commission of theEU. PROFILES is one of several European FP7-funded projects in the field of“Science in Society” promoting IBSE (Inquiry-Based Science Education) anddoes so through raising science teachers’ self-efficacy and promoting a betterunderstanding of changes in teaching science in schools and the value of stakeholdernetworking. It is also based on ‘teacher partnerships’ implementing existing,exemplary, context-led, science teaching materials, guided by long-termteacher training, reflecting on challenges identified by participating teachers,in order to raise their skills in developing creative, scientific problem-solvingand socio-scientific related learning environments; learning environments thatembrace students’ intrinsic motivation to learn science and enhance their competencein undertaking scientific inquiry and socio-scientific decision-making.