期刊名称:Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal
出版社:University of Ljubljana
摘要:In Serbia, as in the other countries of the Western Balkans and South-EasternEurope, the most disadvantaged communities belong to the Roma minority.The present paper demonstrates the conditions of Roma preschoolchildren in Serbia: primarily their early education, but also habitation andhealth in Roma settlements. The data highlight the under-representationof Roma children in pre-primary education, although their growing upin extremely deprived settlements would suggest a need for their earliestpossible inclusion in pre-primary services. The paper analyses the followingbarriers to the access of Roma children to the system of pre-primaryeducation: the poverty of Roma families; discrimination and prejudice towardsRoma; the lack of intercultural provision; insufficient inter-sectorialcooperation; the underdeveloped network of preschool institutions; andthe absence of kindergartens in Roma settlements. In addition, possibleways to increase the coverage of Roma children in pre-primary educationare discussed. As a transitory solution, the paper proposes comprehensivecommunity-based programmes that could contribute to the education,care, health and overall development of young Roma children before theirinclusion in desegregated programmes in preschool institutions.
关键词:Roma children; Pre-primary education; Comprehensive;community-based programmes; Serbia