期刊名称:Index of Texas Archaeology: Open Access Gray Literature from the Lone Star State
出版社:Stephen F. Austin State University
摘要:The Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) of The University of Texas at San Antonio was contracted by MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc. (hereafter, MACTEC) to perform Phase I archaeological survey and Phase II testing prior to the construction of a detention facility in Webb County, Texas. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires federal agencies to take into consideration the effects of proposed undertakings on cultural resources within the Area of Potential Effect (APE). While the proposed undertaking is being developed by The GEO Group, Inc. on privately owned property and is funded by private resources, the anticipated use of the facility by the United States Marshals Service makes this project a federal undertaking as defined under 36 CFR part 800.16(y). As such, the project must comply with Section 106 of the NHPA. The Texas Historical Commission (THC) is the reviewing agency for the project. In December, 2004, CAR conducted an intensive survey of the APE for the proposed construction of the detention facility. The survey followed MACTEC’s preliminary cultural resources assessment and included pedestrian survey with shovel testing within an approximate 160-acre tract, and backhoe trenching of selected locations within the approximate 30-acre APE of the proposed undertaking. Eleven field sites were defined as a result of the intensive survey (Field Site 1 [41WB634], Field Site 2, Field Site 3 [41WB636], and Field Sites 4–11). Subsequently, Phase II investigations were conducted by CAR to evaluate National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility and State Archeological Landmark (SAL) designation for eight of the originally identified field sites (numbers 2 and 5–11). The Phase II investigations included the hand excavation of test units as well as mechanical auger testing. Based on the combined results of the Phase I survey and Phase II investigations, seven sites were reported to the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory and assigned trinomials (41WB634 through 41WB640). Site 41WB639 was identified as containing archaeological components with significant research potential and therefore is recommended eligible for nomination to the NRHP and for formal designation as a SAL. The site contains a Middle Archaic component buried between 100 cm and 130 cm below surface that may yield information on a regional level. Based on the findings within the proposed project area, the site is interpreted as eligible for listing in the NRHP under Criterion D. Likewise, the site is interpreted as having the potential to contribute to a