其他摘要:Ichtyological investigations were performed on 9 partial localities of protected territories Natura 2000 includes: Hnilec, Hornád, Chotčianka, Oľka, Oľšava, Ondava, Svinka, Topľa and Torysa Rivers, during year 2013. Nine catches were performed twice per year. Overall 2666 specimens of fishes were caught. Total value of fishes, were greater in summer season (1686 specimens) in comparison with autumnal catches (980 specimens). The sample consisted of the 25 fish species from 7 families and one species of lamprey (Eudontomyzon danfordi). The occurrence of eleven Natura 2000 monitored species (E. danfordi, Barbus barbus, Barbus meridionalis, Cobitis taenia, Gobio albipinnatus, Gobio kesslerii, Gobio uranoscopus, Rhodeus sericeus, Sabanejewia balcanica, Thymallus thymallus, Zingel streber) were confirmed.
其他关键词:Freshwater fish; monitoring; protection status; dominance; nonnative;fish species; Natura 2000.