其他摘要:A total number 18,147 of mesostig matid mites belong ing to 30 spe- cies were collected from 15 nest s of Mus spicilegus (Petenyi 1882) in several localities of Hronsk¨¢ and Ipe.sk¨¢ pahorkat ina highlands, Vychodoslovensk¨¢ rovina pla in and Ko.ick¨¢ kotlina basin . In the nests from Vychodoslovensk¨¢ rovina plain, the high predominat species was coprophi lous mite Alliphis halleri (34.2 %), on the ot her localit ies it wa s edaphic mite Proctolaelaps pygmaeus (43 ¨C 53.2 %). We compared the diversit y of nes t mites communities between localities by using Shannon index (H¡ä) and Pielou index of evenness (J¡ä ). We re- corded the hig hest diversity of s pecies (H¡ä=1.98) on Vychodoslovensk¨¢ rovina plain, which wa s significantly different from other localit ies (t-test, P<0.001). According to Morisita i ndex (M), Vychodoslovensk¨¢ rovina plain was the least si mila r to the rest of study localities. The hig hest similarit y was found bet ween Ipe.sk¨¢ pahorkatina highlands and Ko.ick¨¢ kotlina bas in (M= 0.99).
其他关键词:Aca ri; mites; Mesost igmata; Mus spicilegus; nes t fauna; diversit y ; Slovakia.