期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:This paper aims to provide insights into the existing literature on the contemporary leadership styles commonly applied by International joint ventures (IJVs) leaders. A total of 51 articles published between 1992 and 2014 were retrieved from 21 refereed journals, all of which could be accessed online. New genre theories applicable for International joint ventures (IJVs) sustainability focus on exceptional leadership that has extra ordinary effects on their follower; to become highly committed to the leader vision and mission, make significant personal sacrifices in the interests of organisational success and to perform over and above the set standards. The new genre of leadership theory provides that, such leaders transform the needs, values preferences and aspirations of followers from self interests to collective (international joint venture) interests. Transformational, Transactional, Authentic, LMX and Global leadership styles were found to be the most popular leadership styles applied by IJVs leadership. In summary, this review paper offers an important attempt to understand the development of research on new genre leadership styles as they are applied for International joint ventures sustainability.