期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering Research
摘要:In t his research wo rk, a timer shaped p atch antenna ba sed on micro strip -fed is designed and presented. In thi s a ntenna desig n an inverted U-sha ped slo t is embed ded i nto patch. The research, simulati on and design of dual band ant enna op erates at dua l ba nd frequencies 2.45 GHz a nd 5 .8 GHz . The funda ment al p arameters such a s return lo ss, VSWR, rad iatio n pattern and current distrib ution are ob tained. A pa rametric stud y of pro posed antenna ha s been carried o ut b y va rying some p arameters. Si mula tion tool , based on method of moments has b een used to anal yze a nd o ptimize t he antenna.
关键词:Radi o frequency i denti fication (RFID); ; Micros trip line; Ti mer S haped Patch.