期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering Research
摘要:Dha ka is a meg acit y in terms o f po pula tion. Overcro wding, poverty, informal set tlement, uneq ual dist ribution of space, la ck of p roper pl anni ng and city development stra tegies, the cit y is posing serious threat to face the 21 st century cha lleng es. There is no alternative way to imp rove our cit ies witho ut a co llective city visio n and a stra tegi c act ion p lan aimed at policy and institut iona l reforms to survi ve i n an increasingly competitive worl d.This p aper focuses on integrated development strat egies. Co ncep ts related to content o f st rategies and pla ns, p arti cipat ive planning pro cesses and integrative pla nning are analyzed. The role o f transportatio n pl anni ng is used an example to d iscussed how technica l int egra tion toget her with fina ncia l and inst ituti onal integrat ion could be used as a t ool t o ga in t he p otential benefits of an int egra tion approa ch. Overa ll the pap er seeks to sho w the importance of usi ng concepts to help develop stra tegies for Dha ka city beyond the bo und aries of administrati ve, fina ncia l, i nstit utional and di scipl inary divi des.
关键词:Develo p ment St rateg y; In tegration ; Cap acity ; building ; SIS PIO analy sis; Participation