摘要:S chools are charged with a responsibility to shape the lives of young people so that they are capable of making responsible and informed decisions which will affect their lifestyle. In the past, schools had taken pride in achieving 'Healthy Schools Status' – a nationally- accredited award scheme which rewarded schools' work on delivering a curriculum embedding pupils' Personal Social and Health Education with particular work focusing on the core themes: healthy eating, physical activity and pupils' emotional health and wellbeing. The impact of the programme was based on a whole-school approach which involved working with children, young people, their families and Governors to provide a solid foundation for improvement. The scheme prided itself that 'Schools tell us that the National Healthy Schools Programme has brought sustained improvement in behaviour, standards of work and school management.' ( The National Healthy Schools Programme, 2008, p. 4 ).
关键词:Adolescence ; Employment ; Health ; Health Promotion ; International