期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Cry ptog raph y is a method of storin g an d transmitting dat a in a particu lar fo rm s o th at on ly th ose for whom it is intended can read and p rocess it . St eganography is metho d of hiding in formation beh ind mult imed ia fi le s uch as text, image, au dio, video . The curren t work prop oses a scheme that uses the combined approach es o f Genetic A lgorith m, Stegano grap hy, and Visu al Crypt ograp hy for s ecure transmission of d ata o ver network. Genetic alg orith m is u sed for encry ption where p lain text is co nverted into cipher text then it is hidden in LSB p ixels of an image using Steganography tech niqu e. Visu al crypto graphy tech niqu e is then used to divide the imag e in to mult ip le s hares to p rovid e securit y an d reliabi lity for data t ransmission o ver n etwo rk
关键词:Crypto graph y ; ; ; Genetic A lgorith m; Steg ano grap hy; Visual Cryp tography